My 2018 Uganda Independence Pledge

My 2018 Uganda Independence Pledge

Uganda, my motherland, my homeland where I was bred, born and raised
While I may not like what you have become
I am not going anywhere
Age ain’t nothing but a number
Now it is my turn – It is not about what you can do for me, but what I can do for you

I pledge to learn new skills and gain new knowledge everyday
I pledge to gain mastery of the crafts that I practice
I pledge to use those gifts
To grow, guide, mentor
To clear and prepare a path
Starting from my own sire
On the journey into the unknown future

I will not forget my culture and norms of my forefathers
An unseen pulse through my veins
A perspective
A foothold to step on
A ledge to hoist myself
These too I add to my arsenal

I pledge to stand upon the shoulders of giants
To grow strong
So I can provide strong shoulders for others
Despite all my failings
To err is human
I will stand strong

As I make this pledge I am of sound mind and thought

For God and my country

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