Last Updated: February 2025
This is a ”now” page and shows you what I’m currently focused on.
Right now, I’m currently:
- Engineering Lead for Value Added Services for Lagos based business unit of Onafriq ( formerly MFS Africa – keeping the system functional for partners, adding features while planning for 10x scale, which includes expansion to other countries
- Strengthening my software development and technical team leadership skills while building out experience with microservices learning Go, NestJS, ExpressJS to my tool chain
- Reading biographies of dead entrepreneurs to learn from their journeys, so that I can lay out a path of wealth and value creation for my family into the generations to come
- Giving back to the local technology community in Uganda, sharing my experiences in my journey while continuously being a thorn in the side of government agencies pushing them to improve on the fundamentals for digital service delivery
Learn more about now what a ”now” page is.