current affairs internet

WikiLeaks – Is this turning into a civil war?

Just watching the countinued cat-and-mouse game between wiki-leaks, governments, and large corporations, its starting to seem like the beginnings of a civil war on the Internet, probably the first Internet world war. ISPs, Credit Card Companies, Banks, Radio stations, individuals, are all being targeted. I am sure that underneath all of this the collateral damage […]

css database firefox mysql php web development

Google Need for “Page” Speed – The Web Developer’s Arsenal

Google the king of search has made the speed of websites and page loading a key actor in ranking. This coupled with the need to use 3rd party frameworks for front end development, like JQuery, MooTools, Scriptalicious, Yahoo YUI, to support the multitiude of browsers has a larger burden web developers. In true fashion however, […]

broadband linux

IP Cop – Linux, Old Computers, Broadband Combined

During the most recent switch of ISP, we foun that our bandwidth utilization was high, and we had to setup a transparent web proxy to cache commonly shared files. Our File/Print/Active Directory server is running Windows 2003 standard edition, and setting up any kind of proxy was convoluted, error prone and would affect the performace […]

css web development

Internet Explorer – A Link is not a Link

Someone said that the browser wars are over, well I am not sure of that, they will only be over when Internet Explorer from the great and mighty Microsoft (M$FT) as its called by open source advocates starts following standards and its own rules all the time. Having an HTML anchor tag () without an […]

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