TechTip: Dbunit Export from Jetbrains DataGrip

I am an avid test driven development (TDD) advocate nowadays, with a pragmatic slant of course, looking to bullet proof the features that I deliver to ensure that they do what is expected, and work out edge cases.

A big challenge to testing is generating of test data, which is needed to setup some integration test work flows. I have been using Jailer ( to generate data from existing tables in a Dbunit format which can then embed in my test dataset xml files.

This is a challenge due to the mapping of relationships by Jailer (a neat feature by the way). So while working Datagrip, the database IDE of choice, we were struck by how to export different formats when looking at a table. This solution would allow us to leverage available filtering and searching features, to nail down the datasets that needs to be exported.

On contacting the support team through Twitter (, the recommendation was to modify the existing XML groovy script to generate DBunit XML, following the steps at

And well an hour later below is a groovy script to do just that can be found at which can be used by creating a new script DbUnit-Groovy.xml.groovy 

The code was not being well rendered hence the move to a Gist

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