php tips and tricks web development Zend Framework

Zend Framework Hidden Gems – Zend_Measure

Just had a bit of a problem today dealing with displaying file sizes of uploaded reports in an application we are upgrading using Zend Framework. When the files are uploaded, the file sizes are stored in bytes, but for display we need to show the sized in KB as the typical file size is between […]

opensource software development lifecycle web development Zend Framework

Interfacing in the PHP World – Dictator Style

Seems that I have a radical approach to the need for PHP interfacing as suggested by Lucas Smith ( then a rebuttal by Herman Radtke ( and finally Lucas Smith again ( I think that the approach for PHP should be: 1) Interfaces in the main PHP tree therefore all have to abide or die, […]

software development lifecycle

Year End New Challenge – Symfony 2

Well a new month December the last one of the year, and I am tackling a new challenge Symfony 2 ( For client projects we are using Zend Framework 1.11 + Doctrine 1.2 + JQuery which all run on PHP 5.2 I think the coming holidays give me a chance to jump into PHP 5.3+ […]

css html opensource software development lifecycle tips and tricks web development

Chosen – JQuery Love for HTML Select Fields

If you develop applications with HTML select fields you know that anything longer than 10 options is a recipie for customer complaints, and usability nightmares, well the guys of Harvest ( provide Chosen a way to make select fields more useable, searcheable with even a Facebook like select for multiple options. This is also used […]

database java mysql software development lifecycle tips and tricks web development

ORM Anti-pattern – Right conclusion, wrong reasons – Rebuttal

This is a rebuttal for Right conclusion, wrong reasons  ( ) for an ORM being an anti-pattern. The main purpose of an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) is to fix the object-relational mismatch, which is a mismatch between how an object is treated differently by the object oriented and relational paradigms which are fundamental constructs in programming […]


Sean Kingston Show – Kampala September 2011 – From the VIP Stands for a First Timer

The long awaited Sean Kingston show in Kampala, finally happened on September 16, 2011. Long awaited as it was pushed from earlier in the year due to Sean’s accident. Interesting enough was the buzz about his arrival, only got into town at 1pm on the day of the show, most people were preaching doom that he would […]


Goodbye to Andy Whitfield – Star of Spartacus

Andy, I only got to see your great acting in the first season of Spartacus: Blood and Sand ( where u brought the character to life. A man driven by love and later the desire for revenge, you brought a raw chemistry and brilliance to a slave, bringing hope and optimisim in an otherwise lost […]

tips and tricks web development Zend Framework

Zend_Navigation Render the SubMenu for Active Menu Item using a Partial

One of the biggest problems with Zend_Navigation helpers is using partials to render sub-menus in order to achieve customized rendering especially when additional properties have been defined. The approach to the solution is as follows: // find the first active menu item $subnav = $this->navigation()->menu()->findOneByActive(1); // The finder methods return null for no matches so […]

tips and tricks

MySQL Design and Administration Tools – Q3 2011

This is a quick update to a previous post MySQL Design and Administration Tools – Q1 2011 where I looked at the different tools available for MySQL design and administration. This post is an interesting one and adds updates for a few of the tools: a) PhpMyAdmin (  – the web based power tool got a recent Web […]

tips and tricks

Google Shutting down the Labs

Totally dismayed, shocked and cannot believe it but well there it is  I put a comment there, but figured that I would expound on that in greater detail here where I have full control. Google has started facing the pressures of Wall Street and Corporate America and want to look like they have grown up, […]

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