Well if you are following this series, then by know you are aware that we have the validators setup, and we are almost ready to go. Well not quite so. I ran into an issue with proxies and class loaders which took a while to resolve, but what I did was: a) Changed the Zend […]
Doctrine 2 – Day 2 – Model Validation using Symfony Validator Service in Zend Framework
It is just Day 2 of my experiences in the trenches, regular work, had kept me from this but I managed to get some time to keep digging. As a followup to my Doctrine 2 – Day 1 – Commentary from the Trenches. The models are up and configured, and the unit testing is setup […]
Joomla Tip – Custom Content Integration with Jumi
Just wanted to share a Joomla (1.7) tip on how we were able to integrate custom content from an external web application with custom PHP code via the Jumi component and plugin (http://bit.ly/wWIQmz). Joomla by default does not allow custom PHP code to be added to articles (content pages) functionality which is provided by the […]
Zend Framework Hidden Gems – Zend_Measure
Just had a bit of a problem today dealing with displaying file sizes of uploaded reports in an application we are upgrading using Zend Framework. When the files are uploaded, the file sizes are stored in bytes, but for display we need to show the sized in KB as the typical file size is between […]
Chosen – JQuery Love for HTML Select Fields
If you develop applications with HTML select fields you know that anything longer than 10 options is a recipie for customer complaints, and usability nightmares, well the guys of Harvest (http://www.getharvest.com) provide Chosen a way to make select fields more useable, searcheable with even a Facebook like select for multiple options. This is also used […]
ORM Anti-pattern – Right conclusion, wrong reasons – Rebuttal
This is a rebuttal for Right conclusion, wrong reasons (http://bit.ly/oULuaz ) for an ORM being an anti-pattern. The main purpose of an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) is to fix the object-relational mismatch, which is a mismatch between how an object is treated differently by the object oriented and relational paradigms which are fundamental constructs in programming […]
Zend_Navigation Render the SubMenu for Active Menu Item using a Partial
One of the biggest problems with Zend_Navigation helpers is using partials to render sub-menus in order to achieve customized rendering especially when additional properties have been defined. The approach to the solution is as follows: // find the first active menu item $subnav = $this->navigation()->menu()->findOneByActive(1); // The finder methods return null for no matches so […]
MySQL Design and Administration Tools – Q3 2011
This is a quick update to a previous post MySQL Design and Administration Tools – Q1 2011 where I looked at the different tools available for MySQL design and administration. This post is an interesting one and adds updates for a few of the tools: a) PhpMyAdmin (www.phpmyadmin.net) – the web based power tool got a recent Web […]
Google Shutting down the Labs
Totally dismayed, shocked and cannot believe it but well there it is http://www.sdtimes.com/blog/post/2011/07/20/Google-Shutting-Down-Labs.aspx I put a comment there, but figured that I would expound on that in greater detail here where I have full control. Google has started facing the pressures of Wall Street and Corporate America and want to look like they have grown up, […]
Wire Framing – Through the Years
Wireframing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Website_wireframe) has been used as a quick prototyping solution to enable the exchange of ideas and discussions on look and feel features, between clients/contractors, visual designers/developers, etc. We have used a number of tools through the years, from Microsoft Word to Microsoft Visio to Adobe Fireworks (graphic representations) or Photoshop, however the latest which […]