Software Delivery Skills Plan 2018

Software Delivery Skills Plan 2018

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail! ~Benjamin Franklin

A new year is upon me, and looking over the horizon I am looking to do the following work streams to help better my development skills

1. Work with a new age Javascript framework – vue.js seems the rage, this is also working with webpack and new Javascript build tools

2. Make docker part of my development workflow – this will be project based

3. Distributed ledger proof of concept – the distributed ledger is the rage now, but what can be achieved to prove its capability

4. API First project – this is a separatation of the backend REST APIs from the front end, may be combined with the vue.js to deliver a working project. I will also look to leverage the OpenAPI

5. Write a paper for a scientific journal leveraging the health informatics work I have been doing over the last 3 years and present it at a conference.

4 thoughts on “Software Delivery Skills Plan 2018

  1. hi Stephen, can u please share with me the System Development Lifecycle that u used to develop UgandaEMR.

    I hope i get a response soon

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