Category: tips and tricks

alternative approach database devops innovation internet mobile computing mobile technology usage opensource responsive design software development lifecycle styx technology group technology tips and tricks web development

Alternate Approach to Legal Independent Election Tallying

The Uganda elections are more or less over with less than 6 hours for the Uganda Electoral Commission (EC) to announce the results for the presidential elections. Given all the time on our hands, with no social media, the team at Styx Technology Group designed the following alternative approach to independent electoral vote tallying for future elections that provides […]

tips and tricks

Different View: The Difference Between a Programmer, a Hacker, and a Developer

Insomia is not always a bad thing after all, I got to read Daniel Miessler’s article – The Difference Between a Programmer, a Hacker, and a Developer which I think is a good primer, but flawed in the assumption of formal education for developers. My experience has been: A developer does always not have to be formally trained, […]

content management systems css git html innovation mobile computing opensource responsive design social media software development lifecycle styx technology group technology tips and tricks web development

Tech Tip: Websites on Github with Jekyll

We have been facing a challenge on how to manage the Styx Technology Group corporate website without having dedicated resources to host, deal with security, updates and maintenance. Having been in the website business for over a decade at the turn of Y2K,  having an easily maintainable solution was key for the long haul. Enter GitHub pages […]

eHealth openmrs opensource software development lifecycle tips and tricks

OpenMRS Implementor Series 101 – Building a distribution package

I am not sure where this will end, however it is my way of giving back to the OpenMRS community that has provided an excellent learning platform and great support to me over the last 6 months, I have been using the software tools. My intention is to share what I know, as a way […]

android enterprenur frugal innovation git mobile computing mobile money mobile technology usage software development lifecycle styx technology group tips and tricks

Syzygy – Release 2 – Uganda Mobile Money Cost Estimator

Syzygy is a Uganda focused utility calculator (launched by this post, this new release adds a tool not available anywhere else allowing you to estimate the costs of a mobile money transaction. Are you sending to a registered number, unregistered or trying to withdraw from an agent or ATM? Hope this app saves you the […]

software development lifecycle tips and tricks

TechTip: Moving a Project Between Git Repositories

I tend to write these so that I do not forget them, and possibly to help others who may be face similar challenges. The question is why would somebody want to do this, well usually its because of a change in Git hosting providers or probably change in project ownership. The process is as follows: […]

eHealth java openmrs opensource software development lifecycle tips and tricks

OpenMRS Module Development Learnings – 102

Update November 2018: This blog post has been superseded by the OpenMRS SDK ( My team mates and I are completing a number of OpenMRS workshops focused on improving our module development capability. This blog post captures the unwritten lessons that we have picked up as a way of giving back our lessons to help others in […]

devops git software development lifecycle tips and tricks

Trunk or Branch based development

An interesting discussion that I had with my team mates over the last few days, whether we should create branches then merge later or keep working on the trunk within our Git based version control process. As the team is small, we are in the same premises but different locations, we agreed to move to work […]

android mobile technology usage technology tips and tricks

GeekDIY – Manually Upgrading Samsung S4 to Stock Android Lollipop 5.0.1

I would not consider myself an early adopter, neither am I a laggard, but somewhere in the middle for software upgrades. So when I heard that my Samsung Galaxy S4 would be getting Android Lollipop in December 2014, I was over the moon. What made me envious was that my colleagues with LG, Nexus and […]

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