Archive for the ‘family’ Category

Tech Tip: Whatsapp Groups for Record Keeping Purposes

Over the years my wife and I have been sharing lots of information via Whatsapp some of which we need for tracking purposes, the most common being weekly metrics from a business operations where I am a silent partner but key stakeholder

One neat trick that I discovered from a friend, I have forgotten who, was to leverage Whatsapp groups as a record keeping tool, this group only has the 2 of us, is named Farm Finances, and only contains the information we need to share with regard to the specific topic

Try this for your next business endeavor, wedding, construction activities, long or short running project whose records you do not want to have across the noise of day-to-day communications as you prepare to move this into a more formal tool

As I wrote this I figured out that you can also do the same for keeping notes for yourself, to-do-lists, project reminders etc

Drinking Healthy with Locally Available Options

The lockdown has forced me to slow down, and over time pickup and implement some of the local knowledge for drink options to help reduce my sugar intake – I take about 5 cups of tea a day, so need to find other ways to compensate.

I have been lucky to also have ample space in which to plant some herbs and spices, I am searching for more if you have and are willing to share

This post is to share what I have managed to get so far and will keep updating – in addition to recipies

  1. Kombucha ( – fermented tea drink which I leave for 2 weeks to get to the taste that I (and now the rest of the brood) like
    • Preparation:
      • Boil 20l of water with add 200g of tea leaves
      • Leave to cool till cold, filter out the tea leaves, add 0.5kg of sugar per 5 liters of water
      • Add the kombuca mushroom in a dark colored bucket, and put in a cool place without direct sunlight
      • Open once every 3-4 days to let breathe
      • After 2 weeks, remove, keep in white jerrycans in the fridge, serve cold
    • The bucket and handling have to be done very carefully being cold can be an easy transmission mechanism for typhoid, dysentry and other water borne diseases
    • Clean the mushroom, by removing any seemingly dead parts, usually very dark colored and not consistent with the mushroom. It keeps regenerating so these become evident
    • Leaving it longer than 3 weeks leads to more fermentation giving it a more alcholic taste
    • A friend of mine with very low alcohol tolerance got a hangover from a glass of my 2 week old kombucha
    • You can leave it for varying periods of time depending on your taste buds
    • If you do not have a fridge, you can prepare multiple buckets maturing at different times to have consistent supply
  2. Tumeric, lemon and ginger mix
    • Preparation: boil 200g of tumeric, 50g ginger in about 5 liters of water, add 4 lemons to taste
    • This one we usually add to kombucha to add a different dimension in taste and flavor
  3. Munanansi – this is a new addition with the current low cost of pineapples
    • Preparation (in testing):
      • Boil a 1.5kg pineapple with peels cut into pieces, 50g of tea leaves, 200g of sugar (honey can also be used) and 100g of ginger in 20 liters of water
      • Leave to cool for at least 18 hours which improves the flavor, probably due to the pineapples and ginger settling into the juice
      • Filter and put in the fridge to drink serving cold
    • We are testing using a whole pineapple instead of just the peels so that we can get more juice, rather than the 1 liter we get from just the peels
  4. Tamarind juice
    • Preparation:
      • Place tamarind seeds in water and leave overnight
      • Squeeze the covering of the seeds which has loosened, using cheesecloth or another appropriate strainer
      • Add honey to taste
    • This can be drank alone, but is a great addition to kombucha which already has its own flavor
  5. Mululuza – commonly used for the treatment of malaria in Buganda
    • Preparation:
      • Fill a pan with leaves and add 5cm of water to cover the leaves then boil for 30min
      • Leave to cool and keep in the fridge
    • Tend to add this to tamarind, munanasi or kombucha which have their own flavors, so adds a sourish dimension to the taste
  6. Rosemary – a common addition to tea and meals for flavor, however we have started eating 4-5 leaves per person every morning to start the day
  7. Lime basil (known local name kakuba nsiri) – I add these leaves to my hot tea/coffee drink about 4-5 leaves per cup
  8. Coming soon: moringa and aloe vera (will update when we start to try these out)

Please share your local herb drink and the procedure for preparing it to help build the knowledge

Some photos showing some examples of the preparation steps above

2020-06-07 09.11.44
Munanansi fireplace preparation
2020-06-07 09.11.56
Munanansi preparation
2020-05-07 13.50.23
Tamarind being soaked in water
2020-06-05 18.11.02
Lime basil
2020-04-03 16.20.21
Mululuza after boiling
2020-04-12 18.29.22
Healthy kumbucha plant with bubbles showing its breathing and alive
2020-03-01 18.57.13
kumbucha in bucket
2020-03-01 19.10.50
kumbucha – clearning removing dead parts

Life in the Tech Lane

I was recently asked to talk to a group of young technologists touching on career, health, finances and family. Using my own journey I am happy to share life in the Tech Lane

I am happy to talk to your teams on similar topics, or even software delivery related topics, so do get in touch

Women’s Day Reflections 2014 Version

Today March 8, 2014, International Women’s day, a day of celebration but most of all reflection on the role of women in our lives continuing from Who is a “True African” Woman?

On internal reflection, I accept that I have been blessed to meet many a strong woman in my life to-date, who have unwittingly, unknowingly influenced my life at specific inflexion points leaving me with no choice but to abide & achieve so as not to disappoint them.

When growing up, my mother of course was there, kind and unflinching, but tough in her own way tag teaming us with my maternal grandmother, a Reverand’s wife who gave her life to the Lord at 10, married at 14, had her first child at 24 (10 years later like Sarah), but who left this earth in 1996 the year she celebrated 60 years of marriage. My mother is a multi-faceted iron willed lady whose decisions are based in principle, and who ran a household with 10 kids at one time, all who were well fed and wet to school. Even up to-today, I still wonder how she managed to achieve what she did.

In Buganda, the sisters of my father, Ssenga, have the responsibility of grooming the boys, teaching them how to survive the treacherous pathways of life. Mine is special in that we are friends, colleagues, co-conspirators, partners in crime.

I always wanted to have lots of elder sisters so that they would dote on me, but having younger ones gives you a different perspective as a big brother. They are grown and provide counsel from their viewpoint of things which I appreciate and always take into account.

Professionally, I have to say that by far-and-large worked with some of most impressive women in all circles; starting from my first manager who while non-technical helped feed the flames of my technology curiosity, through colleagues that I recruited & mentored in the software shop that I practiced & horned my craft, via my NGO experience program director, through my former General Manager pair not forgetting my current regional manager who spurs me along day-to-day to scale greater heights. I will not forget those ladies I interact and work at clients & in the local and global tech community.

This post would not be complete without mentioning my friends whom I have met in my journey through life outside work and family. They totally prove the adage, educate a woman educate a nation each in their own unique way.

Obviously in closing there is my dear wife, who by and large is an extension of me creating a larger than life persona, tag-team, as we attempt to raise a family in the modern era while striving to preserve values in which we are brought up in.

A special thanks & best wishes to all the mothers out there, starting with my own (but of course), keep up the good fight because those you fight for appreciate even if we do not get the chance to tell you everyday.

To all those women who are out there, I wish you the best today, and every other day in the year, for you are the blood and spirit with which the world flows.

New Year – Outlook Ahead

April 4, is finally here, well my birthday of course, and its a day I look forward to, reflect upon and reinforce my commitments for the year. Well it started very well, 5:50am with a birthday song from my wife and daughters, the screaming wokeup my son so he too joined in the festivities.

I am growing old but those people make my heart swell. I have been down with a flu for the last 2 days, so stayed home in bed on Monday, moved a little on Tuesday, so I got time to reflect think about the path that brought me to this day, and where it is leading me as we go along.

This year I am meant to balance family, career and networking, a tough call, but hey who said that life is easy? How am I doing on my 2012 Todo List, not bad for the first quarter of the year and I intend to pick up the pace.

I have received a multitude of wishes from a huge collection of people that I know, have interacted with, and I am humbled that each one of them would take the time to think about me. But like my old school motto goes “Gakyali Mabaga” translated to mean “It is only the beginning”, well lets start the journey further into old age.

What have I learnt, that I am a geek at heart, I love challenges and solving problems, tough problems, I enjoy new knowledge I seem to be picking up a lot each day that passes. I love data when I see it my heart jumps up in joy, anticipating the road ahead. Most of all I enjoy talking to people, especially being the bridge between techies and business people. So I now have to turn that love into a marketable skill which can be used …

The journey continues …